(479) Nemophilas in Hitachi S. Park 

文字数 2,022文字

National Hitachi Seaside Park (国営ひたち海浜公園) is an exceptionally large park, where various flowers bloom throughout the year.

The most popular is a hill named "Miharashi-no-Oka(みはらしの丘)" (4.2ha≒10.4ac), which is 30m high (58m above sea level).

The hill is covered with approximately 5.3 million blue nemophilas in spring, and kochia trees that turn bright red in autumn.

Previously, I introduced autumn kochia in chapter 66.

Well then, I’ll post some pictures of the blue nemophilas in the hill in this chapter and the tulips in Tamago no Mori Flower Garden (approximately 260,000 of 270 varieties) in the next chapter.

The day we visited was the best time to see nemophilas, so the park opened 30 minutes early.

As soon as the gates opened, we headed straight for the hill. When we arrived there, however, there were already many people who had entered through another gate!!

① From the entrance gate, we headed towards Miharashi no Oka (hill), and in about 15 minutes, the hill came into view.

② We’ve arrived at the foot of the hill.

③ Before climbing the hill, we took a break.

④ In no time, the number of people increased.

⑤ This is a close-up photo of the nemophilas. We’ll now climb the hill.

⑥ This is the starting point of the hill.

⑦ I started walking cheerfully.

⑧ Furthermore, I’m going up the hill.

⑨ It's getting crowded, so we’ll take a break halfway up the hill. You can see the large ferris wheel over there.

⑩ You can see a seaside train, which is circling around the park.

⑪ The train is approaching.

⑫ I’ll resume my walk.

⑬ I'm obsessed with unusual smells.

⑭ We've arrived at the top of the hill.

⑮ I’m taking a break at the top. You can see the port on the seaside of the hill.

⑯ The summit is getting crowded, so I had Mom carry me and started walking down.

⑰ How beautiful!

⑱ I’ve gotten out of Mom's arms and resumed my walk.

⑲ I'm looking at the foot of the hill.

⑳ When you go down the hill, the people at the top of the hill look smaller.

㉑ We’ve finally arrived at the foot of the hill.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み