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What is a Full Sex Doll?

A complete sex doll has come a long way from the days when they were just blown up for use. Today, sex dolls are more realistic looking and made of materials like silicone or TPE (like a sex doll's torso).

However, the difference between a sex doll torso and a full sex doll is that a full sex doll has an entire body. This body contains the head, torso, arms and legs.


The sex dolls are custom made in a range of different designs, allowing users to choose the one that best suits their personal taste. Often, these sex dolls are based on real people, such as porn stars.

For example, some people may have blond hair, brown hair, light or dark skin, tall or short, large or small lips, and unique genital features. A full sex doll is of course larger than the torso of a sex doll and will weigh more than one.

Interestingly, some countries, such as Austria, offer sex toy brothels where you can visit and have fun with a sex doll of your choice.

As mentioned above, full sex dolls provide users with the ultimate sex doll experience. These dolls are so realistic with soft features that exude a real feel, you can have a sex doll that mimics the woman of your dreams. It's also a way to gain female confidence and practice different sexual positions.

However, the main advantage of having an Integrity Doll is that it gives people who are lonely, have difficulty meeting and being intimate with women, have trauma, or experience anxiety or depression the opportunity to have a "companion." In this way, feelings and emotions Bonds can be a huge attraction and driving factor when purchasing a integrity doll. A simple hug can relieve stress and bring a sense of human closeness.

However, the downside to buying a integrity doll is price, maintenance and storage factors. To buy one, you're probably looking upwards of $2,000, which means spending some money to get the experience.




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